Western Australian Hazardous Waste Remediation & Restoration Specialists

What we do

We can decontaminate, clean and sanitise any HVAC component or system.

  • we can decontaminate, clean and sanitize areas contaminated as result of HVAC fouling.
  • We manage filter replacement, air handling and conditioning unit and plenum cleaning.
  • We can clean Kitchen hoods, filters and ducting from contaminants including grease.
  • We clean mechanical ventilation systems, including fans from hardened restrictive build up.
  • We decontaminate, clean and sanitise coils, fans, dampers and attenuators.
  • Outside Air intakes, ducts, grilles cleaning including rodent and bird contaminations.
  • We decontaminate, clean and sanitise plant room plenums, plant rooms and service ducts.
  • We can apply preventative anti-mould coatings to prone surfaces.
  • We decontaminate, clean and sanitise ceiling and wall registers and ducting.
  • We remediate debris discharge and damaged offices and rooms.

Where we do it

  • Hospital theatres, procedure rooms, Sterile areas, clinical and high-risk rooms and wards.
  • Shopping centres, malls.
  • Convention centres and similar public entertainment facilities.

Buildings, residential, rental,  strata, corporate and commercial.


Good Indoor air quality has been an important part of the health and comfort of occupants inside any building or construction that drove the need for air conditioning in the first place. Any air conditioning system in poor and unchecked condition is not only increasingly costly to operate, it also elevates health risks as it can contaminate the environment you are charged to provide your client, the occupants. Building occupants have a greater awareness of the serious health consequences from irritants, allergens and even toxins that can develop within a buildings air conditioning system. Symptoms and aggravation of headaches, breathing difficulties, allergic reactions asthma symptoms, odours and discomforts are now labelling a building as having SBS, “Sick Building Syndrome”. The cost of insurance cover and claims are a new cost consideration to manage. The inability of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system (HVAC) to properly supply filtered and healthy, conditioned air through an uncontaminated building system of ductwork risks re-circulating and exacerbating the problem 5 to 7 times per day.

An increasingly degrading quality of air, whether visible, odourless or not is, potentially associated with mould exposure or an otherwise faulty or degrading system component. This situation is often repairable by cleaning and treating. With targeted maintenance, cleaning and inspection, cost efficient operation, insurance risk and building rating as well as a safe and healthy building for occupants can be realised. Creating a healthy building environment, firstly requires a healthy HVAC system before the benefits of lower running costs can be enjoyed. importantly these days, the need to prove a healthy environment is needed to boast high Green Star rating to lower Insurance costs, insurance risks and used to attract tenants with low power bills from an efficient HVAC system. A challenge to managers with a greater sensitivity of occupants to poor indoor air quality or the medically vulnerable to high risk environments such as older buildings or air conditioning systems that lack the efficiency.

The perception of most consumers is that, once installed, an HVAC system is set to operate until it malfunctions and without care about the performance, condition or healthy state of the of the unit. HVAC electricity consumption is typically around 40% of the electricity usage in buildings. With typical HVAC degradation and soiling that is ultimately loading the system, energy wastage can increase that cost another 20% to 40% of that figure. Well worth an enquiry to Savana Environmental.

Benefits to you

  • We can provide documented and photographed, progress and completion of all work.
  • Detailed condition and failed component list of your HVAC system if required.
  • Prompt communication to alert any urgent situation as a mater of our duty of care.
  • We maintain and provide our own specialised equipment to facilitate any works required.
  • Our operators are trained and experienced in HVAC hygiene, and will clean to highest standard with conscientious respect and care to your proprty, your occupants and the publics sensitivities.
  • Our experience in effective decontaminating, cleaning and sanitising high risk areas such as hospital theatres, sterile and clinical areas are evidence that we work to exceed Australian standards and we aim to exceed your expectations.


Have an enquiry?

Contact us now for a free no obligation quotation.
